
Value of 20 dollar bill serial number
Value of 20 dollar bill serial number

Prior to that, block letters have rolled over at various increments - 99200000, 99840000, and 99999999. Notes printed on sheets of 32 and 50 within the past few decades (uncut sheets excluded) are only printed to 96000000. All notes are printed starting with serial number 1, but recently notes have NOT been printed to 99999999. Serial numbers that start with four or more nines are fancy: meaning 99990000 - 99999999. Serial numbers that start with five or more zeros are fancy: meaning 00000001 - 00000999. Higher denominations are less collectible as well and have lower values. Values drop very rapidly for notes that are in circulated condition. Values are approximate based on sales of uncirculated low-denomination notes on eBay and Heritage Auctions.

value of 20 dollar bill serial number

Here is a list of commonly collected fancy serial numbers.

Value of 20 dollar bill serial number