The process would become slower with each deleted file, until the CC manager either ran aground with an out-of-memory error or froze with a white-screen. We had an issue where deleting multiple files was not freeing up memory.Fixed he white-screen/out-of-memory error when deleting files.Instead, they were being packed into one huge archive sometimes many GBs in size, which eventually became game-breaking. When moving files between the DOWNLOADS and LIBRARY tabs, the files were no longer being placed into small, individual archive files.Maxis Match CC is pretty much what it sounds like: custom content by fans that's designed to match the stylized look of The Sims 4's original content created by Maxis.TSR CC Manager Updates Update from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 Many Simmers refer to CC as "Alpha CC" and "Maxis Match." Alpha CC is intended to look more realistic, often adding special skin textures, eyes, and realistic clothing or furniture. The Sims Resource - Surfing TSR can be really daunting, but starting with featured artists can help you find quality CC quicker.Maxis Match CC World - Reblogs tons of MMCC all tagged to help you find what you want.

Sims 4 CC is genuinely endless, but there are some tried-and-true aggregator blogs and sites we recommend you surf: If you're looking to dig for even more custom content beyond the creators and packs we've collected here, you could spend weeks and months scouring the internet for more.

Remember, The Sims 4 disables Mods and CC every time it updates, so you'll need to re-enable them in the game menu and restart your game after every game update. Restart your game and check the "Mods" popup that appears at startup to be sure the CC you installed is listed.Check "Enable Custom Content and Mods" under Game Options > Other. Start The Sims 4 and open your Options menu.The Sims 4 mods folder is located at: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods.package files inside into the Sims 4 "Mods" folder. package files or an unzipped folder with. Download CC and unzip compressed folders if applicable.

Here's what you'll need to do to install and play with your Sims 4 CC: (Image credit: Electronic Arts, Maxis) Where is the Sims 4 CC folder?